
About me

Greetings! My name is Boglarka, and I am the dedicated personal trainer behind CrunchCore. Ever since I was young, my deep-rooted passion for fitness, sports, health, and diet has driven me forward. My journey began with practicing aerobic gymnastics and calisthenics, and eventually, I found a new passion in bodybuilding. Additionally, I have amassed over a decade of experience practicing yoga.

In my approach, I prioritize inclusivity, persistence, and client-centeredness. I strongly believe in creating an environment that welcomes individuals from all backgrounds because I firmly hold the belief that health and achieving a good physique should be accessible to everyone. Regardless of your background, I am committed to tailoring my expertise to suit your unique needs and goals.

At CrunchCore, my aim is to guide and support you on your fitness journey, helping you set achievable goals, construct personalized training plans, and design customized diet and supplementation strategies. With my holistic approach and emphasis on inclusivity, I am dedicated to empowering you to reach your full potential and lead a healthier, more fulfilling life.

You can find me in Netherlands in cities Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Rotterdam and its districts or other branches of „Fit for Free” gyms in the area.

Feel free to contact me to begin your transformative fitness experience. I look forward to embarking on this incredible journey with you!

personal trainer netherland
Na podstawie 6 opinii
Pawel Guzewicz
Pawel Guzewicz
Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google.
I am very satisfied! Trainer with big knowledge, I got very useful advices which helped me developed my training
Ewa Michalska
Ewa Michalska
Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google.
Perfect personal trainer personal training experience I have ever had. And I have had a few! She is brilliant, thorough, hardworking. Not only is she knowledgeable and has the technical training experience, but also he is down to earth and an overall great girl!
Mateusz Czupik
Mateusz Czupik
Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google.
Everything allright ^^
Szabó Viktória
Szabó Viktória
Trustindex sprawdza, czy pierwotnym źródłem recenzji jest Google.
Excellent service



excuses don’t get results ! 💪


 Personal Training

During our initial consultation, we will engage in a comprehensive discussion about your desired goals and personal preferences. Together, we will establish achievable objectives and create a tailored training plan that aligns with your unique needs and abilities. I strongly emphasize a personalized approach, ensuring that each customer receives individual attention and guidance throughout their fitness journey. By prioritizing your specific requirements, I aim to deliver a training experience that is both effective and personally fulfilling.

Price list:

  • Free consultation
  • Training (first time) – 30 €
  • Single training – 45 €
  • DUO training (2 people) – 60
  • 10 trainings – 360 € (+ GRATIS training plan and supplementation plan)
  • 5 trainings – 200 € (+GRATIS supplementation plan)
  • Training plan – 40 €

personal trainer 2
personal trainer

diet plan

Whether your objective is weight loss, muscle gain, improved physique, or overall health maintenance, a well-crafted diet plan holds tremendous significance. At CrunchCore, we provide you with a customized diet plan developed by a skilled dietitian. This plan is specifically designed to accommodate your unique preferences, ensuring that you consume meals you genuinely enjoy. By incorporating our specialized CrunchCore diet plan, you can confidently pursue your goals, knowing that they are within your reach. We are dedicated to making your desired outcome easily achievable through our expertly tailored approach to nutrition.

Price list:

  • Diet plan – 40 €

supplementation advice

Effective supplementation plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health, promoting speedy recovery of your body and muscles post-workout, and safeguarding against injuries. At CrunchCore, I will assist you in selecting the most appropriate supplements tailored to your specific needs and goals. With our expert guidance, you can confidently incorporate the correct supplements into your regimen, ensuring that your body receives the necessary support to thrive and excel.

Price list:

  • Supplementation plan – 20

personal trainer NL 2

Personal Training

During our initial consultation, we will engage in a comprehensive discussion about your desired goals and personal preferences. Together, we will establish achievable objectives and create a tailored training plan that aligns with your unique needs and abilities. I strongly emphasize a personalized approach, ensuring that each customer receives individual attention and guidance throughout their fitness journey. By prioritizing your specific requirements, I aim to deliver a training experience that is both effective and personally fulfilling.

Price list:

  • Free consultation
  • Training (first time) – 30 €
  • Single training – 45 €
  • DUO training (2 people) – 60
  • 10 trainings – 360 € (+ GRATIS training plan and supplementation plan)
  • 5 trainings – 200 € (+GRATIS supplementation plan)
  • Training plan – 40 €

personal trainer 2

diet plan

Whether your objective is weight loss, muscle gain, improved physique, or overall health maintenance, a well-crafted diet plan holds tremendous significance. At CrunchCore, we provide you with a customized diet plan developed by a skilled dietitian. This plan is specifically designed to accommodate your unique preferences, ensuring that you consume meals you genuinely enjoy. By incorporating our specialized CrunchCore diet plan, you can confidently pursue your goals, knowing that they are within your reach. We are dedicated to making your desired outcome easily achievable through our expertly tailored approach to nutrition.

Price list:

  • Diet plan – 40 €
personal trainer

supplementation advice

Effective supplementation plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health, promoting speedy recovery of your body and muscles post-workout, and safeguarding against injuries. At CrunchCore, I will assist you in selecting the most appropriate supplements tailored to your specific needs and goals. With our expert guidance, you can confidently incorporate the correct supplements into your regimen, ensuring that your body receives the necessary support to thrive and excel.

Price list:

  • Supplementation plan – 20

personal trainer NL 2
mental health netherlands

fitness and your mental health

 At CrunchCore, I firmly believe in the powerful connection between physical health and mental health, and I am dedicated to promoting a holistic approach to wellness.

Regular training, along with a nourishing and balanced diet, is not only crucial for physical fitness but also has transformative effects on mental health. Engaging in physical activities releases endorphins, reduces stress, and uplifts mood, leading to overall improved mental well-being. I am a strong advocate for body positivity and encourage individuals to embrace their unique selves, fostering self-acceptance and empowerment.

Mindfulness practices, including meditation and deep breathing exercises can be integrated into my training programs. These techniques cultivate self-awareness, reduce anxiety, and enhance mental clarity. By incorporating mindfulness into our sessions, I provide a safe space for individuals to connect with their bodies, thoughts, and emotions, fostering inner balance and well-being.

Moreover, I place great emphasis on self-compassion and promoting positive self-talk. In my training sessions, I create a supportive and non-judgmental environment where individuals can develop a compassionate and understanding relationship with themselves. I encourage clients to celebrate their strengths, acknowledge their progress, and cultivate a positive mindset.

I offer personalized training programs that are tailored to Your unique needs and abilities. I understand the importance of inclusivity and strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and empowered to achieve their fitness goals.

At CrunchCore, my passion lies in promoting the symbiotic relationship between physical and mental health. Through training, mindfulness, body positivity, self-compassion, and embracing diversity, I am dedicated to supporting individuals on their journey towards improved mental well-being, self-discovery, and a healthier, more fulfilling life.

personal trainer and diet in NL
Weight Loss

At CrunchCore, I am thrilled to offer a range of comprehensive training programs designed to cater to your unique fitness goals. If weight loss is your objective, rest assured that I am fully equipped to guide you on your transformative journey.

With my expertise as a personal trainer, I understand that weight loss involves more than just shedding pounds. It requires a holistic approach that considers your individual needs, preferences, and lifestyle. By working closely together, we will create a customized weight loss program tailored specifically to you.

Through a combination of effective workout routines, targeted exercises, and personalized nutritional guidance, we will optimize your body’s fat-burning potential. Moreover, I will provide continuous motivation, support, and accountability throughout your entire weight loss process.

With my guidance, you can expect to achieve sustainable results, enhance your overall well-being, and develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime. Embark on this empowering journey with me, and let’s unlock your potential for a healthier, happier, and more confident you.

dumbbells rotterdam

At CrunchCore, I am delighted to offer a comprehensive bodybuilding program that is tailored to meet your specific goals and aspirations. Whether you’re a seasoned bodybuilder or just starting your journey, I am here to provide the expertise and guidance you need to sculpt your ideal physique.

My bodybuilding program combines cutting-edge training techniques, customized workout plans, and strategic nutrition guidance to help you build lean muscle mass, increase strength, and achieve that desired aesthetic. Together, we will focus on progressive overload, proper form, and targeted muscle group training to optimize your gains.

Through a structured and progressive approach, I will ensure that your bodybuilding program is challenging yet safe and effective. I will also provide ongoing support, motivation, and accountability to keep you on track and help you surpass your personal bests.

With my experience and dedication to your success, you can expect exceptional results and an enhanced understanding of proper training and nutrition practices. Join me on this bodybuilding journey, and let’s unlock your full potential to sculpt a strong, muscular physique that reflects your hard work and dedication.


At CrunchCore, I am excited to offer a dynamic cardio training program designed to elevate your cardiovascular fitness and help you achieve your goals. Whether you’re aiming to improve endurance, burn calories, or enhance overall cardiovascular health, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

With my expertise as a personal trainer, I will create a customized cardio training program tailored specifically to your needs and fitness level. Through a variety of cardio exercises, such as running, cycling, rowing, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT), we will elevate your heart rate, increase stamina, and boost your overall cardiovascular fitness.

I will ensure that your cardio training program is progressive and challenging, helping you break through plateaus and achieve new levels of fitness. Additionally, I will provide valuable guidance on proper form, intensity, and recovery, ensuring that you train effectively and minimize the risk of injury.

Together, we will work towards your cardio goals, whether it’s participating in endurance events, improving overall fitness, or simply enjoying the energizing benefits of cardio exercise. Get ready to elevate your cardiovascular fitness to new heights and experience the numerous health benefits that come with a strong and healthy heart.

personal trainer in netherlands
Athlete training

At CrunchCore, I am thrilled to offer a specialized athlete training program designed to enhance performance, optimize athletic abilities, and help you reach your full potential in your chosen sport. Whether you’re a competitive athlete or aspiring to excel in your athletic endeavors, I am here to provide the expertise and support you need.

With my extensive knowledge in sports science and training methodologies, I will create a customized athlete training program tailored specifically to your sport, position, and individual goals. We will focus on developing key athletic attributes such as speed, agility, power, endurance, and sport-specific skills.

Through a combination of targeted exercises, functional movements, sport-specific drills, and performance enhancement techniques, we will enhance your athletic performance, increase strength and power, improve agility and coordination, and reduce the risk of injuries.

I will provide ongoing guidance, support, and motivation to keep you on track and ensure that you are consistently progressing towards your athletic goals. Together, we will fine-tune your training, optimize your technique, and develop the physical and mental attributes necessary for peak athletic performance.

Join me in this transformative athlete training program, and let’s unleash your full potential, dominate your sport, and achieve unparalleled success on the field, court, or track.

Restorative training program

At CrunchCore, I am delighted to offer a specialized restorative training program designed specifically for individuals facing physical constraints, such as seniors, those recovering from injuries, or individuals dealing with chronic pain. This program is centered around promoting healing, improving mobility, and enhancing overall well-being.

With a deep understanding of the unique needs of this target group, I incorporate a combination of gentle yoga, stretching, and strength training exercises tailored to the capabilities and limitations of each individual. These exercises are carefully selected to aid in increasing flexibility, building strength, and promoting overall physical resilience.

I prioritize creating a safe and supportive environment, ensuring that each client feels comfortable and confident throughout their journey. Through personalized attention and modifications, I adapt the program to suit the specific requirements and goals of each participant.

My aim is to help individuals in this target group regain confidence in their physical abilities, reduce pain, enhance mobility, and improve their quality of life. With compassionate guidance, gradual progress, and a focus on self-care, I am dedicated to supporting individuals on their path to physical restoration and well-being. Together, we will work towards achieving optimal health and empowering individuals to live life to the fullest.



crunch your body now!

For any inquiries or to schedule your training sessions after selecting your package plan, feel free to reach out to me via email or message me on WhatsApp at +31657129252.

You can find me in Netherlands in cities Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Rotterdam and it’s districts or other branches of „Fit for Free” gyms in the area.

I’ll be delighted to assist you!